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Programs & Registration

Learn about available classes and sign up today!

Stage Right’s catalog of classes include acting, dance (tap, jazz, ballet, contemporary, and commercial dance/hip hop), voice (group classes as well as private lessons), acro, stage combat, and workshop experiences in musical theatre. We have specially geared programs for students with disabilities of all ages and abilities, programs for homeschool/cyber school students, programs for adults, masterclass and intensive workshop experiences with industry professionals, and for the youngest - we have our Music Together® program. Get started on your performing arts journey today!

Music Together at Stage Right® Learn More

Music Together® is “an early childhood music and movement program for children from birth through age eight – and the grownups who love them!” Our early childhood curriculum-based music classes (with decades of proven research and development since 1987) help little ones develop their innate musicality and much, much more. Taught by certified instructors, with accredited curriculum, songs, and methods, parents, teachers, and caregivers have the chance to show children how to become confident music makers just by making music themselves. Come experience the warm, supportive environment where everyone feels comfortable singing, dancing, and jamming!


MainStage Classes Learn More

Stage Right’s core set of classes are currently offered in 10-week semester sessions (with mini- 5 or 6-week sessions at times in the year), with a wide array of classes in acting, dance, voice, audition techniques, acro, stage combat, and immersive musical theatre workshops. Our instruction concentrates on the fundamental building blocks of a well-rounded education in musical theatre and the performing arts. Our classes follow a performance driven curriculum, providing students (from the very first class) with skills that they will use both on and off the stage. Differentiated class levels, based on age and skill, allow our students to study in a safe space with their peers, while our healthy student-teacher ratio allows for individual, one-on-one support that all students deserve. Try your first class today!

Breaking Barriers Learn More

Revamped with a much broader initiative – Stage Right’s Breaking Barriers program is a full creative arts experience for students with disabilities of all ages and abilities! Individuals with physical, mental, developmental and emotional disabilities, as well as special sensory and processing needs interact and explore the world of the arts, through theatre. Working on self-confidence, independency, teamwork, enhancing verbal and movement skills, and advances in socialization, our workshop class allows any student to become the very best version of themselves in our inclusive, creative, and fun learning environment!

Summer Camps Learn More

Summer Camp is one of the coolest ways to spend your summer! *NEW THIS YEAR – Our one-week intensive workshops will give you skills and confidence boost you need to propel you to your next stage. Our week-long intensive camps, featuring professional masterclass artists from various fields in the industry, will focus on acting, audition techniques, tap, voice, stage combat, stage make-up and special effects, and so much more! Look for more information coming soon…

July brings back our traditional summer camp for students aged 8-18. Our three-week immersive camp experience will have students participating in core musical theatre classes, taught by our fantastic and accredited staff, and then jumping into rehearsal in the afternoons to stage a FULL musical production in just three weeks! Check back soon to see the full list of instructors and titles of shows!



Payment Terms

Students in Theatre Class


(revised August 2024)

We have recently made updates to our payment terms including discontinuation of discounts and promo package items. Please feel free to reach out and ask questions.

Stage Right! now requires FULL PAYMENT for all classes at the time of registration.

For ALL semesters, priority pricing (i.e. "early bird") will be available up until a set and published deadline date before each semester. After the published deadline date, any previous priority prices will increase to full-class value, and a family's tuition will be adjusted to full pricing, accordingly.

Payment Plans are available with 25% down deposit.


With Payment Plans, you agree to the following:
1. Automatic-deducted payments + fees the 1st and 15th of each month.

2. Families MUST enroll in "Auto-Pay" (the title of DSP's electronic payment method)
3. You MUST call the office to set up a Payment Plan.

Please Note: ANY and ALL early registration discounts are not available for those opting into Payment Plans. Early registration discounts are ONLY accepted with pay-in-full options.


(revised August 2024)

SIBLING DISCOUNT - 10% discount on subsequent siblings registering for the same program stream of classes (applies to MainStage and Breaking Barriers programs - Music Together programs have their own sibling pricings)  PLEASE CONTACT THE MAIN OFFICE TO APPLY YOUR SIBLING DISCOUNT

Need Some Help?

Here is a tutorial video for how to create a Parent Portal Account, register for classes, and make a payment on your account.

Find Us

Located at 105 West 4th Street

Greensburg, PA 15601


at the The David Mateer Center for the Performing Arts

105 West 4th Street  |  Greensburg, PA 15601

Tel: 724-832-7464 (SING)


© 2024 by Stage Right, Inc. Proudly powered by


Hours or services may differ at this time - Please call.

Monday - Friday: 12:00pm - 5:00pm
Saturday: Office Closed​
Sunday: Office Closed

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